📖 Episode One: "The Day Everything Changed"
(Pastor Terry W. Bailey, Founder and CEO of docbmedia.com)
Alright, y'all—pull up close. Let me tell you a story about two kids named Will and Lilly. Now, Will and Lilly aren't just any kids—they're twins, born just 2 minutes apart. Will always brags about being the older brother, but Lilly says he only beat her here 'cause she let him win.
It was a Sunday morning, much like today. The old wooden church creaked when people shuffled into the pews. Will and Lilly sat side by side, swinging their feet 'cause they were just tall enough for their toes to graze the floor.
The preacher was up there, preaching away about Jesus and the Cross. Y'all know how kids are—Lilly was doodling hearts in her bulletin, and Will was staring at a dust mote floating in the sunlight through the stained glass. They weren't expecting much.
But then, it happened.
As the preacher spoke about Jesus dying to forgive sins, Will felt something in his chest. It wasn't just the usual "Mama's watchin' me" guilt. No, it was something different. It was like his heart was being tugged gently but firmly. Lilly felt it, too, but she poked her brother and whispered, "Do you feel that?"
Will nodded. No words, just wide eyes.
Now, y'all ever had that moment when God calls your name, not out loud, but clear as day in your heart? That's what happened. Before they knew it, Will and Lilly were standing. Their knees wobbled a bit as they made their way to the altar side by side.
And right there, under the glow of that simple wooden cross on the wall, those two knelt and whispered a prayer they barely understood—but Heaven sure did.
"Jesus… we believe in You. Please forgive us. Please save us."
Tears rolled down their faces, but they weren't sad tears. They were "something's changing in me" tears. Their hearts felt lighter, like the weight of every wrong thing they'd ever done was lifted. It wasn't fireworks or thunder—a quiet peace, like when the wind dies after a summer storm.
Now, folks, I've been around long enough to know that when two kids give their hearts to Jesus, it's not just a moment. It's the start of an adventure.
Will and Lilly didn't know it yet, but they were born again that day. New creations, like baby eagles, are learning how to spread their wings. And let me tell you, the Lord had plans for them that were more significant than they could have dreamed.
So let me ask you—young and old—have you ever felt that tug? That whisper deep inside saying, "Come to Me?"
You don't have to be in a church pew for that to happen. Right where you are, you can bow your head and say, "Jesus, please save me," just like Will and Lilly did. And just like them, your adventure with God can begin today.
📚 In the next episode, I'll tell you how Will and Lilly got their first taste of what it means to live out their new faith—and let me tell you, it wasn't as easy as they thought.