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When Jesus Speaks To You.

### 1. **Jesus Desires Personal Relationship and Accountability**:

Jesus speaks to each of us because our faith is deeply personal. The call to follow Him is not just a collective experience; it's an individual one. We see this throughout the Gospels when Jesus calls individuals by name—whether it was Zacchaeus, Peter, or Mary Magdalene. Each person had their encounter with Christ, and Jesus met them where they were.

In John 10:27, Jesus says, *"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."* The crowd does not drown out his voice. He speaks personally and directly to each believer, and it's our responsibility to respond, even if those around us aren't quite there yet. Jesus calls us to live out our faith regardless of what others around us are doing.

### 2. **We Are Called to Be the Light and Salt (Matthew 5:13-16)**:

Jesus told us that we are the world's light and the earth's salt. This means we have a role to be an example to those around us. If we wait for everyone to "get it," we could miss the opportunity to shine the light Christ has given us.

When Jesus speaks to us individually, He often calls us to be the first to wake up Spiritually so we can help others wake up, too. Our obedience and response to His voice can become a testimony and catalyst for others still spiritually asleep.

### 3. **Not Everyone Will Respond Immediately (Matthew 13:13-15)**:

Jesus acknowledged that not everyone would be ready to hear and understand Spiritual truths. In Matthew 13:13-15, He speaks of people whose hearts are hardened, whose ears are closed, and who are spiritually blind. Sometimes, those around us may not be ready to receive what Jesus says, but that doesn't mean we should wait.

When Jesus speaks to us directly, He calls us to act in faith, trusting that others will come to an understanding in their own time. We are accountable for responding to Him personally, even if those around us are slow to recognize the urgency of His message.

### 4. **We Are Each Given Unique Assignments (Ephesians 2:10)**:

Every believer has a unique calling and purpose. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that *"we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."* Sometimes, Jesus speaks to us individually because He has specific assignments for us that may differ from those around us.

If we wait for everyone else to understand before responding to God's voice, we risk missing out on His unique mission for us. Jesus calls us to step into our purpose, regardless of where others walk.

### 5. **Urgency in Obedience (Romans 13:11-12)**:

There's a sense of urgency in the call to wake up spiritually. Romans 13:11-12 says, *"The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here."* Jesus wants us to wake up to the reality that the time is short and the harvest is plentiful.

If we wait for others to catch up, we might delay doing God's work. Jesus often calls us to step out in faith even when others around us aren't moving yet. Our immediate obedience can inspire others to awaken as well.

### 6. **We Are to Stand Out, Not Blend In (Romans 12:2)**:

Jesus doesn't want His followers to conform to the patterns of the world. Romans 12:2 tells us, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."* When Jesus speaks to us, He's calling us to think, act, and live differently than the world around us—even if others don't understand or agree.

Sometimes, Jesus speaks to us in ways that challenge the norms or values of the world. We may feel alone in our convictions, but that's part of the cost of discipleship. Jesus wants us to wake up to the reality that we are His ambassadors in a world that often doesn't recognize Him yet.

### Conclusion:

Jesus would urge us to wake up today because He's calling us to live out our faith personally and urgently. Even if those around us aren't awake to the truth yet, He wants us to step forward, respond to His voice, and be the light that helps wake others up. He's speaking directly to us because we are uniquely called to reflect His light in a world that desperately needs it.

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