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The Spirit Of The Anti-Christ.

Exposition of 1 John 4:3

But every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. — 1 John 4:3 (NIV)

1 John was written by the apostle John, likely in response to false teachings circulating in the early church, particularly Gnosticism. The Gnostics claimed secret knowledge and denied essential doctrines about Jesus, such as His incarnation. John's letters focus on recognizing actual teaching and discerning the spirits.

In 1 John 4:1-3, the apostle calls Christians to test the spirits to see whether they are from God. In verse 3, John identifies that any spirit, teaching, or person who does not acknowledge Jesus Christ's true nature and authority operates under the influence of the "spirit of the antichrist."

Critical Elements of the Verse:

1. **"Every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus "**:

- John is referring to anyone or any teaching that denies the identity, lordship, and work of Jesus. To reject or fail to confess Christ as God incarnate is a clear sign of false teaching.

- In John's time, the Gnostics denied that Jesus came in the flesh. They saw the material world as evil and could not accept that God would take on human form. This denial of Jesus' incarnation was considered a rejection of the truth of the Gospel.

2. **"The spirit of the antichrist "**:

- This refers not just to a future figure known as the Antichrist but to a pervasive spirit of rebellion against Christ, which was already present in the world.

- The term "antichrist" (Greek: _antichristos_) means "against Christ" or "instead of Christ." This spirit works to deceive, distort, and distract people from the truth of Jesus Christ.

John teaches that this spirit is not isolated to one person in the future but exists in various forms throughout history. Any force, ideology, or influence leads people to deny or distort Christ.

3. **"Even now is already in the world"**:

- John emphasizes that this is not merely a distant future threat but something Christians are already facing. False teachings, deceit, and the rejection of Christ were active in John's time and continue today.

- This spirit may not always appear overtly evil. It often works through subtle deception, distorting the truth just enough to lead people astray.


1. **Historical Example**:

Many heresies arose in the early church, such as Gnosticism, which denied that Jesus came in the flesh. This was the "spirit of the antichrist" at work, leading many astray from the core truths of Christianity. Similarly, the Arian controversy in the 4th century rejected the deity of Christ, claiming Jesus was created and not eternal. The church recognized both teachings as the spirit of the Antichrist, as they undermined who Jesus indeed was/Is.

2. **Modern Example**:

Today, there are many ideologies and religious movements that deny the full divinity and humanity of Jesus, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, who deny Jesus' deity, or secular humanism, which promotes a worldview that ignores Christ altogether. These movements operate under the same deceptive spirit, diverting people from the truth of the Gospel.

3. **Personal Example**:

Imagine a person growing up in a church, but as they go through college, they are influenced by a professor who teaches that Jesus was merely a good moral teacher but not God. Over time, they begin to doubt their faith, questioning the central claims of Christianity. This illustrates the subtle work of the antichrist spirit—challenging Christ's divinity and the authority of Scripture.

Keep in mind that nowadays, this begins in preschool, daycare, and any other places where the government or numerous private contractors are involved.

Exposing the Spirit of the Antichrist:

To expose the spirit of the Antichrist, we must recognize its **key traits**:

1. **Denial of Christ's Full Identity**:

- Any teaching that denies that Jesus is both fully God and fully man, as stated in Scripture, carries the spirit of the Antichrist (cf. John 1:1, 14; Colossians 2:9).

- Jesus' dual nature is central to the Christian faith. If someone teaches that Jesus was merely a prophet, a created being, or just a good man, they deny the core of the Gospel.

2. **Distortion of the Gospel**:

- The spirit of the Antichrist often distorts the message of grace and truth. For example, legalism may distort grace by making Salvation about works, while antinomianism may distort grace by teaching that sin doesn't matter because grace will cover everything.

The antichrist spirit either adds to or subtracts from the Gospel. Knowing the Word of God sufficiently is crucial to identifying these distortions.

3. **Deception and Subtlety**:

- The antichrist spirit often operates under the guise of intellectualism, culture, or philosophy, making it seem rational and attractive. It leads people away by casting doubt on the Bible's reliability, undermining the truth of Scripture.

People are often drawn in slowly by ideas that seem "enlightened" or more in tune with modern thinking, but these ideas contradict Biblical truth.

Exit Strategy: Avoiding the Spirit of the Antichrist:

1. **Abide in Christ and His Word**:

- John emphasizes the importance of staying grounded in the truth. **1 John 2:24** says, "See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you will remain in the Son and the Father." Holding fast to the teachings of Jesus and Scripture is the best defense against deception.

Jesus Himself warned in Matthew 24:24 that false messiahs and prophets would come to deceive even the elect. Knowing Christ and His Word intimately helps believers stay grounded.

2. **Test the Spirits**:

In 1 John 4:1, John urges Christians to "test the spirits." This means examining teachings, ideologies, and leaders to see if they are genuinely from God. The primary test is whether they confess Jesus Christ as Lord and affirm His full deity and humanity.

We should measure everything against the Word of God (Acts 17:11). If any teaching contradicts Scripture or leads us away from Christ, it is a red flag.

3. **Community and Accountability**:

- Stay connected to a faithful community of believers. **Hebrews 10:25** reminds us not to forsake gathering together. Being part of a church where sound doctrine is taught helps to guard against false teachings. In fellowship, we can encourage and correct one another, keeping each other accountable.

Spiritual mentors, pastors, and sound Biblical resources can keep one's faith on track and provide wisdom to navigate confusing teachings.

4. **Prayer and Discernment**:

- Pray for discernment and wisdom. **James 1:5** promises that God will give wisdom generously to those who ask. The Holy Spirit helps us discern truth from error, so seeking His guidance is critical in recognizing the spirit of the Antichrist.

- **Ephesians 6:12-18** reminds us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but spiritual forces. The armor of God, particularly the "sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God," is our primary defense.


The spirit of the Antichrist is not just a distant future reality but a present force of deception. It operates wherever Christ's identity is denied, distorted, or diminished. As Christians, we must test every teaching and philosophy against the truth of the Word, stay rooted in fellowship, and continually seek wisdom through prayer. With these tools, we can remain faithful and avoid falling prey to the spirit of the Antichrist.

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