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Psalm 103:1-5

The first five verses of Psalm 103 are some of the most encouraging and uplifting words in all of scripture. They remind us that God is a loving father who cares for us, forgives us, and rescues us from all our troubles.

Verse one tells us that we should always praise God for his many blessings and mercies. Look to him for his faithfulness and the forgiveness of our sins.

Verse two encourages us to bless the Lord with all our heart, soul, and strength. Listen as he speaks in mercy and compassion towards us.

Verse three tells us that God is full of mercy, forgiveness, and love for all people. He does not remember our sins but instead chooses to show us kindness and grace.

Verse four reminds us that God is like a shield and defender, always protecting us from harm. Learn from his example of mercy, forgiveness, and love.

Finally, verse five says that all people can count on the Lord's goodness and loving kindness. Look to Him for His grace, mercy, and forgiveness of our sins.

In conclusion, Psalm 103:1-5 reminds us that God is a loving Father who cares for us, forgives us, and rescues us from all our troubles. Look to Him in faith and with gratitude, listen as He speaks with mercy and compassion, and learn from His example of love. We can count on God's goodness and loving-kindness no matter what we face in life. May this passage encourage us to always look, listen, and learn from the Lord!

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