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James 1:19

James 1:19 tells us that we should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. To unpack this further:

  1. We must maintain a humble attitude as we approach any situation in life. If we are quick to listen and open ourselves up to advice from others, then not only will we be able to learn from their perspective and experience, but we will also avoid the pitfalls of rash decisions or anger.

  2. We need to communicate respectfully. When we speak, the words we choose should always reflect kindness and understanding toward others.

  3. Learning to control our tempers is essential in life. However, becoming angry can lead to hasty decisions that we may later regret.

In conclusion, James 1:19 encourages us to Look – Listen – Learn.

  • Look for advice from others and open ourselves to the perspective of those around us.

  • Listen respectfully with humility and understanding.

  • Learn to control our tempers, so we can make wise decisions and avoid doing something we may regret later.

May God bless us as we strive to apply these principles. Amen.

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