Living in the United States of America is a privilege rooted in centuries of sacrifice, determination, and unwavering commitment to freedom. This nation, built on Biblical principles and founded on ideals of liberty, has been safeguarded through the generations by the brave men and women who have fought, sacrificed, and even given their lives to preserve the freedoms we so often take for granted. Freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, the ability to openly critique our government—these are liberties that many around the world could only dream of having.
Yet, there are those who stand on this soil and express disdain for the very country that grants them these unprecedented freedoms. Citizens and non-citizens alike who claim to hate our nation, who burn the flag that represents the sacrifices made, and who engage in actions that would never be tolerated in other countries, must understand this truth: freedom is not free, and respect for those who have paid its price is fundamental.
If you find yourself unable to appreciate or respect the sacrifice, blood, and toil that have forged this nation’s path to freedom, then you must reconsider your stance. This land is built on the principles of liberty, but with liberty comes responsibility. If you are unwilling to uphold the values that allow you to freely express dissent, then perhaps it is time to reconsider your place here. Whether by sea, air, or land, there is always an exit route from the borders of the United States of America. To those who would spit in the face of those sacrifices, the message is clear: if you cannot respect and cherish the freedoms and opportunities this country provides, there are countless other places in the world where such liberties do not exist. Let those who truly value this nation’s foundation stand and let those who do not find another path.