According to the Bible, gender is divinely created and binary, rooted in the creation story and throughout Scripture. Gender is an intrinsic part of a person’s identity as created by God, with distinct but complementary roles for males and females.
Key Scriptures:
Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."*
Biblical Principle:** God created two distinct genders—male and female. Both are created in God's image, which speaks to the inherent dignity and value of both men and women.
- **Genesis 2:22-24** – *"Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.' That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh."*
- **Biblical Principle:** Gender differences are foundational to relationships, particularly in marriage, where men and women form a unique union.
- **Matthew 19:4-5** – *"'Haven’t you read,' he replied, 'that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."*
- **Biblical Principle:** Jesus affirms the gender distinctions given at creation and ties them to the purposes of marriage and family.
The Biblical worldview holds that gender is created by God and is an essential part of a person’s identity. Though men's and women's roles may differ in certain ways (though not in value), both sexes complement each other in ways that reflect God’s design for humanity.
2. **The Woke View of Gender:**
In contrast, **the "woke" ideology** typically sees gender as a **fluid, socially constructed concept**. It emphasizes the idea that individuals can self-identify their gender regardless of biological sex, with an increasing number of genders being recognized beyond just male and female.
**Key Woke Concepts:**
- **Gender Fluidity**: In woke ideology, gender is often seen as a **spectrum**. This means people are not limited to identifying as strictly male or female but can define themselves in a way that feels authentic to them.
- **Quote**: The American Psychological Association states: “Gender refers to the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex. Gender is often seen as fluid, with individuals identifying anywhere on a spectrum between male and female.”
- **Self-Identification**: Woke ideology often emphasizes the power of personal identity. People are encouraged to **self-determine** their gender based on how they feel, which may or may not align with their biological sex.
- **Quote**: The UN Free & Equal campaign states: "People’s gender identity reflects their deeply felt, internal experience of gender—which may be different from the sex they were assigned at birth."
- **Multiple Genders**: Woke ideology embraces the idea that there are multiple genders, and terms such as non-binary, genderqueer, and agender are standard.
- **Quote**: Gender Spectrum organization asserts: “Gender is about who you are. It is personal (internal) and includes outward expression of yourself to others. It is not binary (either male or female) but exists along a continuum of possibilities.”
Key Differences Between God’s View and Woke Ideology:
1. **Source of Identity:**
- **God’s View:** Gender identity is **given by God** at creation. It is tied to biological sex and cannot be altered (Genesis 1:27).
- **Woke View:** Gender identity is **self-determined**. It is fluid and changeable based on personal feelings and experiences.
2. **Number of Genders:**
- **God’s View:** The Bible consistently speaks of **two genders**—male and female (Genesis 1:27; Matthew 19:4).
- **Woke View:** There are potentially **limitless genders** beyond male and female, existing on a spectrum. Terms like non-binary, gender-fluid, and genderqueer are commonly used.
3. **Purpose of Gender:**
- **God’s View:** Gender distinctions serve a purpose in God’s creation, especially in the context of marriage and family, where the complementarity of men and women reflects God’s design (Genesis 2:22-24).
- **Woke View:** Gender is seen primarily as a form of **personal expression**. It’s not tied to specific roles or purposes in relationships or family structures but is fluid and subject to individual redefinition.
4. **Relation to the Body:**
- **God’s View:** Gender and biological sex are intimately connected; our physical bodies are part of God’s design for who we are, including our gender identity (Psalm 139:13-16).
- **Woke View:** Gender identity is seen as separate from **biological sex**. Someone may be biologically male or female but identify as a different gender or none at all.
**Why This Matters:**
1. **God’s Design Reflects His Glory:**
Gender, as created by God, is not a mistake. It reflects His intentionality and glory. Men and women together reflect different aspects of God’s character (Genesis 1:27).
2. **Confusion vs. Clarity:**
The "woke" view often leads to confusion, especially when people are encouraged to constantly question or redefine who they are. God’s Word provides clarity and security in knowing that our identity is rooted in His unchanging truth.
3. **Impact on Society:**
The Bible’s teaching on gender leads to a vision of human flourishing, particularly in the context of family and community. In contrast, the "woke" ideology tends to promote individual autonomy at the expense of traditional relationships and structures, which can lead to fragmentation.
In today’s world, we are surrounded by voices that challenge the Biblical understanding of gender. As believers, we need to hold fast to what **God’s Word** says. Gender is a **gift from God**, not a fluid concept to be redefined according to cultural trends. We need to approach these discussions with both **truth and love**, offering grace to those who struggle with their identity but never compromising on the truth that God has revealed to us.
Let’s stay grounded in God’s design, embracing the roles He has given us as male and female, and trusting that His plan is always best for our good and His glory.