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Discerning the Voice of the Lord in Our Lives.

Good morning/afternoon, beloved. Today, we gather to explore a topic that, at first glance, may bring a smile to our faces but, upon deeper reflection, reveals the depth of our desire to walk intimately with God. How do we discern whether it's the Lord speaking to us or if we've just had a bit too much pizza the night before?

Our key scriptures for today's sermon lay the foundation for our exploration.

John 10:27 says, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."

This verse reveals Jesus's intimate relationship with us. We are His sheep, and He is our Shepherd. But in a world filled with noise, distraction, and, yes, even the occasional pizza-induced dream, how do we ensure that the voice we're hearing is His?

In 1 Kings 19:12, we read about Elijah encountering God not in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire but in a still, small voice. This passage teaches us about the nature of God's communication. He doesn't always speak in earth-shattering revelations but often in whispers requiring our quiet attention.

James 1:5 encourages us, saying, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."

This promise assures us that God desires to give us the wisdom to discern His voice from our thoughts or external influences.

Finally, Proverbs 3:6 instructs us, "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."

This assures us that when we seek God in all things, He will guide our path clearly, helping us to distinguish His will from our desires or fears.

Steps to Discernment

1. Seek Silence: To hear that still, small voice, we must find moments of silence in our day. It's in the quiet that our minds settle, and we can become more attuned to God speaking.

2. Scripture as our Guide: God's voice will never contradict His Word. By immersing ourselves in Scripture, we equip ourselves with a discernment tool to test whether what we hear aligns with God's character and commands.

3. Prayer for Wisdom: Just as James directs us, we should ask God for wisdom wholeheartedly, believing He will grant it to us. It is through prayer that we express our dependence on Him for direction.

4. Community Confirmation: The Lord has given us each other to help discern His voice. Sharing what we've heard with trusted Spiritual mentors can provide confirmation or gentle correction.


Imagine facing a decision and feeling a tug in a specific direction. But is it God leading you, or is it simply a personal desire? First, pause and seek a moment of silence. Reflect on God's Word—does this direction align with Scripture? Pray earnestly for wisdom, and then seek the counsel of Spiritual mentors.

This path of discernment requires humility, patience, and trust. It's acknowledging that we don't always know the way, but we know the One who does.


As we pursue God's heart, seeking to discern His voice amidst a world filled with distractions, may we remember the promise in John 10:27. We are His sheep, and by the nature of this relationship, we can know His voice. It's a process, a journey of getting to know Him more deeply, recognizing His character, and trusting in His guidance.

May we be encouraged today to seek His voice, to lean into the wisdom He generously offers, and to walk confidently in the direction He leads, knowing that He is forever our Good Shepherd.


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