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Choosing Life Through Christ’s Abundant Love.

Key Verse:

The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. – John 10:10 (ESV)


In life, there are moments when it feels like the weight of the world is too heavy to bear, and darkness seems to surround us. It's easy to lose sight of hope when faced with overwhelming burdens. But God, in His love, has given us a promise that changes everything. Jesus came not only to give us life but to offer life *in abundance*—a life full of purpose, joy, and meaning, even in the midst of trials.

The enemy of our souls, described as a thief, seeks to rob us of this gift by filling our minds with lies: lies that tell us we're alone, have no worth, or have no way forward. But these are deceptions meant to pull us away from the truth. The truth is that your life is *precious* to God. He formed you with a purpose and a plan (Jeremiah 29:11). No matter how deep the pain feels, God's love is more profound still. He wants to fill your life with His peace, strength, and presence.

Jesus stands with open arms, ready to pour His love into your heart and offer you a life that is not just about surviving but thriving. He promises a life where you can overcome through His strength (Philippians 4:13), find rest for your weary soul (Matthew 11:28), and discover a hope that never fades (Romans 15:13).


Imagine you're in a dark tunnel, and it feels like there's no way out. But as you keep walking forward, you see a small light. The closer you get, the brighter it becomes, and eventually, you step out into the light of a new day. Jesus is that light. No matter how deep the tunnel is, He is the way forward, leading you into a new life filled with hope and renewal.

Call to Action:

If you feel lost today, Jesus is inviting you to receive His life—the kind that transforms sorrow into joy, fear into faith, and darkness into light. He is the One who carries our burdens (1 Peter 5:7) and gives us strength to face tomorrow.

Choose life today by choosing Jesus. He offers you a way out of despair and into a future filled with His love, grace, and abundant peace. Your life matters. Your story isn't over. And through Him, you can overcome and live the whole, abundant life He promises.


Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your promise of abundant life. For those who feel burdened and weary, I pray that You would fill their hearts with Your peace and hope. Help them see that their lives have a purpose in You. May they find their strength in Your love and experience the fullness of life You offer. In Your mighty name, Amen.

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