1. Resolution: Prioritize a Daily Relationship with God
- **Scripture**:
*“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”* (Matthew 6:33)
*“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.”* (James 4:8)
- **Illustration**:
A man planted a garden but neglected it for weeks, allowing weeds to take over. When he returned to tend it, the weeds had choked out the fruit. Similarly, when we neglect our relationship with God, distractions and sin choke our spiritual growth. Daily time in prayer, the Word, and worship ensures the garden of our soul remains fruitful.
- **Comment**:
Many people resolve to get physically healthier yearly, but spiritual health is more critical. As consistent nourishment strengthens the body, spending daily time with God strengthens our faith and equips us to navigate life’s challenges.
- **Biblical Principle**:
Commit to a daily practice of spiritual disciplines (prayer, Bible reading, and worship) by setting a specific time each day. Write it on your calendar as an appointment with God, and don’t let anything interrupt it.
2. Resolution: Love Others as Christ Loved Us
- **Scripture**:
*“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”* (John 13:34)
*“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”* (Galatians 6:2)
- **Illustration**:
A young boy saw an elderly neighbor struggling to shovel snow from her driveway. Without being asked, he grabbed a shovel and cleared her driveway. She tearfully told him that his kindness gave her hope in humanity again. Small acts of love can profoundly reveal Christ’s heart to others.
- **Comment**:
Christians and non-Christians alike often struggle with selfishness in a “me-first” world. Resolving to love others sacrificially as Christ loves us is countercultural and life-changing. Love isn’t just a feeling—it’s an intentional action.
- **Biblical Principle**:
Commit to showing Christ’s love by practicing intentional acts of kindness each week. Whether through a phone call, a small gift, or helping someone in need, let your faith be evident in your love.
3. Resolution: Share the Gospel Boldly
- **Scripture**:
*“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”* (Matthew 28:19)
*“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.”* (Romans 1:16)
- **Illustration**:
A woman hesitated to share her faith with a coworker, fearing rejection. Months later, the coworker said he was going through a crisis and wished he had someone to talk to about God. She realized that her silence had kept him from hearing the hope of the Gospel. After sharing, he gave his life to Christ.
- **Comment**:
The world is full of people seeking hope in the wrong places. Christians must boldly share the message of salvation, trusting that God will work through their words. The Gospel can transform lives—it just needs to be shared.
- **Biblical Principle**:
Share your testimony or the Gospel with at least one new person weekly. Pray for boldness and opportunities to speak truth into the lives of those God places in your path.
Each resolution is a step toward greater faithfulness to God’s call in 2025. Let these Biblical principles serve as a compass, leading you to walk closer with Him daily, love others selflessly, and share the Gospel urgently.
May these resolutions strengthen your walk with Christ and inspire others to see His light in you!